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  • Smart - Alessandro Villa architect

    Furniture design


    Solar energy table with lamps

    Innovative table with luminescent top for gardens and winter gardens. The table integrates LEDs powered by colored photovoltaic cells integrated in the top, which can be in different colors to be combined with the colored photovoltaic cells available on the market. Also the structure of the table recalls the tones of the cells to obtain a uniform appearance. The table can be placed in different locations, preferring spaces exposed to natural light. During the day it absorbs energy and stores it in the batteries housed inside its structure. During the night it transforms it into light energy. The usual regular geometry of the photovoltaic cells is broken by the insertion of the LED strips.  

    client: personal research
    year: 2011
    project by: Alessandro Villa
    project assistant: Rossella Cristofaro

     - Alessandro Villa architect

     - Alessandro Villa architect

     - Alessandro Villa architect

     - Alessandro Villa architect

     - Alessandro Villa architect